Is the incarnation of a man's passion for military aviation.
Its purpose is to provide photographic, publishing and
aviation consultancy services for the aviation industry
and military community.

Ioannis (John) Lekkas is an aviation photographer and publisher. He is working closely with the Hellenic Armed Forces and is a frequent flyer with Air Force, Navy and Army. Being accredited by the Hellenic Ministry of National Defense he supports and promotes all military aviation matters for Greece and the southeastern Mediterranean. He is also in close collaboration with the United States Air Forces in Europe frequently visiting USAFE bases in the broader area of the continent flying within front USAFE fighter squadrons.
Engines roaring... Brakes released... Throttles forward...
Thundering burners streaming bluish rings of fire into the crimson sky shoot the jet high…60 seconds later you are up to 30000ft!
Fearless metal beasts engage in aerial choreographies exerting
tremendous forces and vast speeds.
Explore every bit of the most advanced fighter jets, feel their power and experience the thrill of modern aerial combat through Eagle Aviation’s lense.